Monday, January 5, 2009

NEW YEAR....NEW POSTSSSS!!! (notice it's plural..)

Happy new year to all of you..thanks for being a part of my life..well, if you are reading this, i know you are :) Anway, some of you may be wondering..(again?!) where have i been. Well, i have been doing some soul searching..and i finally realised that i want to be left alone. That's why i stopped blogging..






You definitely didn't buy that right?!! :P LOl..

okay..jokes aside.. upon GRADUATION....

(with less than 6 feet tall..urrgghh!!)

.... I had been pretty much hopping around for the past few months. I see that from October i didn't blog at all..well, that marked a significant point of my life. i started working!! lol..working life is pretty alright albeit every other architect and uni senior trying to scare me by saying that i'm gonna lose my soul once i start working cos it's gonna be sooo stressful in architecture and you work like dogs but you get paid like peanuts?! i've even got senior friends who work like 7 days a week- so totally no life..and heard of news that some work until they end up sick in the hospital..spending more money curing the sickness due to stress than earning the money by working like a cow! GOSH..isn't that enough BAD NEWS to stop one from working!??! yeahh...i thought so..

So i actually wanted to hang around, bum around, go back home once in a while (like the prodigal daughter) to spend some FAMA (father-mother) cash and maybe work part-time teaching piano, or dancing, or start up my own business. sounded like an awesome plan right!? Everybody, even MYSELF especially was convinced by it! Even my parents gave me the green light?!(surprisingly...) BUT, once again..i guess GOd had a different plan..

A month after graduation i was called up by a firm who wanted to offer me a job at DUBAI..I REJECTED IT !! think of silly can i get?! It's BIG CASH BABY!! Oh well..i wanted to stick around close to all of u..and of cos close to what my heart desires. So i gave it up. and then, a week or two before SOT ended, i was given a job offer to work in an architectural firm in Singapore. Unsure about what i am gonna end up doing, or more of like 'afraid' that i may not even get the job(!) due to my results (...erhmm..not that i flunked or anything..i guess i've seen better ones?! Maybe just gripped by inferiority complex..urghh), i finally went for the interview, liked my interviewers, and TOOK the JOB! oh well.. it was recommended by someone. and i thank God for that someone who recommended me. :)

Seriously, i wouldn't have got the job if it wasn't for him, for a week later after i commenced work, recession started in Singapore, and many people lost their jobs, couldn't get a job and etc etc. Thank God.. and some of you might be in the world would i be affected?! Building Industry, baby..Always the first to be hit!!

So, i've got a future plan.. when it's high time, i make my big cash and prepare for the crunch (well it happens every other 15 yrs or so right!?). the next recession i'll probably be about 40-45 yrs i am gonna start getting rich in the next few years or so :)))..Who's with me?!!?!
Invest my money in land, property, steady shares, start businesses (seriously, just being an architect is not gonna make me a millionaire!) for the next 10 yrs. and when the cycle comes, i'm totally prepared! the brides with the oil lamps and those without the oil lamps waiting for the groom! ('s up on it :))

SO cheers to all of you guys for the year 2009! I really can't wait to see what's gonna happen this year! REmember, PLAN the YEAR As Soon AS POSsible! cos..If u fail to plan, u PLAN to FAIL!!!

Oh before you'r some pictures which may interest you......

my bed..obviously my Toa Payoh Lrg 8..doesn't look cozy enough? wait..

a picture of my office.....toilet......heheh....nice right!?

my colleague.....u must be thinking..what the...?! He's very shy...agagagagagaaaa

Singing out..

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